The Covid-19 health crisis has raised many questions among employees. Today, they want to give meaning to their work, to explore new professional horizons or to find a better balance between professional and personal life. For companies, recruiting a candidate in professional transition represents a risk. However, the majority of employers who have dared to do so say they are satisfied.
Discover the advantages of a candidate in professional reconversion and our advice to succeed in this atypical recruitment.
Professional retraining in a few figures
- According to a study by Centre Inffo, 47% of working people are in the process of changing careers or are considering doing so.
- 62% of companies indicate that they have already hired a candidate undergoing career transition.
- 86% of the companies that have recruited a candidate undergoing career transition say they are satisfied.
- 60% of the jobs that will be in vogue in 2030 do not exist today. Retraining could become the norm for the majority of professionals.
- 1 out of every 4 recruitments is the result of a retraining.
The advantages of recruiting a candidate in retraining
You have received the CV of a candidate in retraining who is catching your eye? Their career path is interesting, but you are afraid of making a mistake or that this potential recruit is not up to the task? Think again, a candidate with a non-linear career path represents a strong added value for your company. Proof by 6!
1. It has cross-cutting skills
The former position of this potential recruit probably has nothing to do with your company. She’s moving from retail to culture or from healthcare to marketing. So what? Her past experience has provided her with skills, know-how and expertise that can be adapted to the position she is applying for. Keep in mind that a candidate never really starts from scratch. Moreover, unlike a junior profile, they already have a wealth of professional experience.
2. He is highly motivated
Going back to school or training to start a new career is not for everyone. Nor is it something that happens overnight on a whim. This step is always accompanied by a great deal of reflection and motivation, which is supported by a significant asset: passion! Aware that they are lucky enough to have been recruited, candidates will redouble their efforts to prove their legitimacy.
3. It has a great adaptability and open-mindedness
Changing careers is a great step in life that also demonstrates an open mind and a great ability to adapt. These two soft skills are highly sought after by recruiters as they allow these candidates to perform quickly.
4. He/she is up to date with the knowledge of his/her trade
A candidate in professional reconversion has just finished his training. He or she is therefore up to date with the theoretical and technical knowledge of the job. Conversely, an employee may have been working in the same job for 10 years without having updated his knowledge through training.
5. He knows the business world well
It is true that they are changing careers, core businesses and environments. But he has already been working for a number of years (or even decades), unlike a junior who will have the same level of experience, without the knowledge of the professional sphere. They will therefore be operational more quickly.
6. He has a fresh look at his job
Proud to be a recent graduate, the career transition candidate has fresh tools and knowledge. He or she can bring a fresh perspective, report on the company’s astonishment and propose innovative ideas.
Our advice for recruiting a candidate in career transition
Take the time to study the application carefully
You have in your hands a CV of a profile in professional reconversion and it seems interesting to you? Analyze in detail his CV without preconceived ideas:
- What is his education?
- What is his professional experience?
- Which of the assignments he/she has been given could give him/her the necessary experience to take on the assignments you are giving him/her?
- What skills, know-how and interpersonal skills can be transposed to the position for which he/she is applying?
This non-exhaustive list of questions will allow you to step back and verify that the candidate’s profile is close to your needs. Remember that skills are more important than diplomas!
During the interview, don’t hesitate to ask questions about the candidate’s experience, career path and professional project. You will take the opportunity to study their personality and motivation.
Take the time to train a candidate in career transition
If you are hiring a newcomer, you will of course have to set aside time and a budget to train and support him or her when they take up their position, just like a junior. This is an important step to enable them to adapt quickly and perform well.
Are you ready to take the plunge and hire a candidate in career transition? Don’t hesitate! If it’s a big gamble for the company and the candidate, there’s a good chance that everyone will flourish in this challenge and come out of it stronger.