1. Legal Notice Publisher

Intuition Software SARL
10 rue du Colisée, 75008 PARIS
Tel : 01 56 88 89 13
Fax : 01 77 75 93 50

RCS Paris B 512 947 524
SIRET 512 947 524 00017

Représentant légal et directeur de la publication : Steve Crasnianski

2. Mentions Légales Hébergeur

Avenue des Arts 2

Contact Kinsta

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4. Law “Informatique et Libertés”

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978, you have a right to access, modify and delete data concerning you; For any request, please use our contact form or send a mail to: Intuition Software, 10 rue du Colisée, 75008 Paris.

5. Jobaffinity Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for our Jobaffinity recruitment software.


Which features are you interested in?

Jobaffinity is packed with features that will enable you to halve your recruitment costs and optimize your application and CV management.



