What HR qualities and skills are essential in a company?

Découvrez quelles sont les compétences RH à avoir pour travailler dans les ressources humaines

To work in human resources, you need a set of HR skills that will enable you to enable you to manage your various day-to-day tasks effectively: recruitment, personnel management, employee appraisal and training, negotiations, etc. A mixture of know-how and interpersonal skills, these competencies are essential to the success of your mission. What human resources skills are essential for an assistant or manager? Communication, adaptation, conflict management, talent identification, Intuition Software presents the 8 skills you need to be a good HR manager.

HR skills in a nutshell

  • HR competencies are a set of skills and know-how that a manager needs to manage a company’s human capital.to manage a company’s human capital.
  • These skills include: listening, empathy, adaptability, computer skills, legal knowledge, negotiating skills, etc.
  • These HR skills are essential to the manager ‘s tasks: personnel administration, recruitment, skills development, etc.
There are qualities and technical HR skills required to be a good HR manager
Smiling HR managers greeting female job applicant with handshake during recruiting or interview. Businesswoman making good first impression shaking hands of business partners. Partnership, cooperation

What is the role of the HR manager?

The HR manager is the person who will manage the development of employees employees within a company and ensure that there is an that there is an alignment between the company ‘ s and the aspirations of employees.

Duties include:

  • Personnel administration (contracts, pay, holidays),
  • Recruiting and integrating new employees,
  • Skills development and employee training ,
  • Support and advice on conflict management,
  • Defining and implementing HR strategies in conjunction with management.

In order to carry out these various tasks , which are central to a company’s development, human resources managers must have a combination of soft skills and technical and organisational human qualities (soft skills) and technical and organisational skills (hard skills).

What are the key HR qualities of a good manager?

The main qualities, or soft skills, of a good HR manager are: listening, interpersonal skills, empathy, communication, adaptability and teamwork. These human resources skills are essential for day-to-day discussions with the company’ s the company’ s employees and resolving any problems that may arise (conflicts, brown out, quiet quitting, etc.).

  • Being a good listener: knowing how to listen to employees so as to be able to analyse the situation and take appropriate decisions is an essential quality in a job where people are at the heart of everything. This ability to listen helps to build trust and cooperation between HR and employees.
  • Good interpersonal skills: HR skills essential, as the human resources manager isone of the company’s one of the company’ s main contacts for employees. To ideally fulfil its role as intermediary themust be able to interact with different people from different different departments in a friendly and effective manner.
  • Empathy: in human resources, empathy is an essential quality for fostering a caring working environment and ensuring that employees feel good aboutwell-being at work. Empathy enables you to put yourself in someone else’ s shoes and understand their emotions, empathy enables the human resources manager to be an ally to employees, facilitating relations between teams and management.
  • Communication skills: A good human resources professional must know how to convey information clearly, accurate and appropriate. This means knowing how to explain HR policies to all employees, enabling transparent communication between management and employees, but also to manage sensitive discussions or negative feedback.
  • Ability to adapt : changes in the labour market, growing importance of new technologies, the human resources profession and employee management are constantly constantly evolving and requires a high degree of adaptability.
  • Teamwork: HR is a collaborative job. Managers have to work with a wide range of people in the company (employees, managers, directors). As a result , they need to be able to work as part of a team, coordinate exchanges, relationship dynamics, etc.
  • Be organised: Being a human resources manager involves managing a large number of administrative and legal tasks, such as employment contracts, pay slips and holidays. To carry out these tasks successfully, it is essential tobe organised and rigorous. This means being able to keep on top of several projects at the same time, prioritising and planning, while being able to deal with the unexpected.
An HR manager needs to have a number of qualities, including listening, interpersonal skills and communication skills.

The 8 key HR skills for working in human resources

To effectively carry out the various tasks assigned to human resources professionals, the manager ‘s interpersonal skills need to be complemented by 8 essential HR competencies in terms of :

  • Recruitment,
  • Personnel management,
  • Legal knowledge,
  • Conflict management,
  • Negotiation,
  • Accounting,
  • IT tools,
  • Foreign languages.

Recruiting the right talent

One of the crucial skills of the HR manager is to be familiar with and every stage of the recruitment process, and knowing how to find the right talent for each vacancy. This means in particular:

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Personnel management : fundamental HR know-how

Personnel management is the core business of HR. This HR skill encompasses the organisation, administrative monitoring and development of employees. Managing staff means being able to:

  • Manage employment contracts, pay slips and holidays ,
  • Monitoring career plans and training: This involves identifying employees ‘ development needs within the company, offering them opportunities and investing in internal talent through training. All this, with the aim of aligning employees ‘ skills with the company’ s needs.

Good legal knowledge

A human resources professional needs to have a good grasp of employment law, This sets out the rules governing relations between employers and employees. Having legal skills in employment and social law is essential for being at ease in this legal framework and knowing how to respond correctly to questions or potential conflicts. to be at ease within this legal framework and know how to respond correctly to questions or potential conflicts. This HR know-how will be essential for an assistant or manager to :

  • Drawing up employment contracts: You need to be familiar with the terms and conditions of the various contracts (permanent, fixed-term, apprenticeship, a poorly drafted contract can be a source of legal conflict,
  • Ensure compliance with laws on paid leave, overtime and redundancy: HR departments apply social legislation on a day-to-day basis and must therefore master them,
  • Managing relations with employee representatives: In companies with 11 or more employees, a CSE (social and economic committee) must be set up to represent staff. The HR manager must be able to interact with these representatives to provide mandatory legal documents or manage collective pay negotiations.

Managing conflict

In addition to managing recruitment and pay slips, HR also acts as an intermediary between employees and each other, or between employees and management. When conflicts arise within the company, the HR manager must be able to manage each situation effectively. To do this, they must be able to :

  • Identify conflicts early so that you can intervene in time and find solutions before the situation degenerates,
  • Acting as a mediator to find a compromise for each party . This requires patience, diplomacy and leadership,
  • Implement cohesion measures upstream to prevent the emergence of conflicts, for example through team building.
Conflict management is one of the essential HR skills for a manager.

Negotiation skills

Whether establishing working conditions, managing remuneration, negotiating pay rises or managing conflicts, Good negotiating skills are an essential HR skill. For a manager, this means being able to communicate clearly, combined with an ability to find compromises that benefit everyone.

For example, when it comes to managing pay, an HR manager must be able to balance employees ‘ or future employees’ salary expectations while respecting the budgetary constraints set by the company.

Relations with social partners are also an area in which this human resources expertise is important. where human resources skills are important. Indeed, it is often HR that contributes to negotiations for collective agreements, on subjects such as working time, safety conditions and training plans. These exchanges require an attitude of listening and dialogue, but also the ability to defend the company’ s interests while meeting employees ‘ expectations.

Master the basics of accounting

While this know-how is not one of the HR manager ‘s core tasks, it remains an integral part of the job, it remains an integral part of the job. The financial aspects are linked to HR responsibilities, particularly in terms of budgeting and payroll. It is a skill that enables you to:

  • Managing training and recruitment budgets: HR managers must be able to manage budgets to plan employee training employee training or organise recruitment campaigns,
  • Supervising pay slips: Payroll management requires a basic knowledge of accounting in order to ensure compliance with compulsory social declarations, for example,
  • Provide a link between the HR and finance departments: mastering the basics of accounting means being better prepared to work with the company’ s finance department and ensure that staff-related expenditure is in line with overall financial objectives.

Mastering IT tools

With the digital transformation , HR jobs require new IT skills, and in particular a command of HR software such as HRIS or ATS. These IT tools have in fact, the lives of human resources professionals , who need to be able to:

  • Managing staff databases,
  • Analysing HR performance indicators, i.e. being able to analyse and interpret key data (such as staff turnover, absenteeism or training costs ) to assess the effectiveness of HR policies,
  • Automate administrative tasks such as generating payslips, managing holiday requests or optimising recruitment processes, to save time and increase efficiency.

Mastering a foreign language

Finally, for international companies , fluency in a foreign language is a great advantage for facilitating exchanges with employees abroad and participate in larger-scale HR projects. While English is often the international language you need to master, other languages are gaining in importance and should not be overlooked (Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc.).).

It should be noted that this is not a required HR skill because, depending on the company, it is not always useful, but it is a plus for your human resources profile, especially when applying for a new position.

As well as a foreign language, mad skills are also a plus when it comes to working in human resources, Atypical skills will enable innovative approaches to traditional HR processes.

You now know the essential HR skills you need to possess or develop in order to succeed and manage your company’ s human capital effectively.

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