When is the best time to publish a job offer?

Illustration quand diffuser son offre d'emploi

When is the best time to publish a job offer to get the most applications? When is the best time to publish a job offer?

We have conducted a survey of more than 3000 recruiters who use Jobaffinity’s recruitment management software to answer the question “when should you publish a job offer? ” . We have taken into account a representative sample of different types of recruiters: recruitment agencies, companies, local authorities, temp agencies, government agencies, and federations or associations…

Objective of our study

The objective of this study is to determine the best day to post a job offer. So, the best day is the one where there is the greatest chance of getting a maximum number of applications. Also, the more applicants that come back, the more likely it is that you will find the best possible candidate.

Number of new posts should also be taken into account. The number of applications also depends on the number of new vacancies. The more new jobs there are, the more applicants there will be. That is why we have decoupled the number of applications from the number of new job offers. The figures of the study are illustrated in the graph below:

Distribution of applications by day of the week

On a cumulative basis since the beginning of 2020, Tuesday is the day with the most applications.

We have compared this figure with the creation/publication of new jobs per week:

Distribution of new job publications by day of the week

On a cumulative basis since the beginning of 2020, Tuesday is also the day with the most new job postings.

Tuesday is the day when recruiters publish the most new jobs .It’s also the day when they receive the most applications.

We have taken into account the ratio between new applications and new job offers to deduce the performance of the ads according to the day of the week:

Performance of ads by day of the week

When is the best time to post a job?

The results obtained show that the best day to post a job is Sunday. This is by far the best day to publish. Indeed, a new job offer is posted on the job boards before the others. It is therefore much more visible at the beginning of its posting. In addition, there are far fewer new ads on that day. This means that the job offer will be most visible when there are the most candidates to read and respond to it.

It is therefore advisable to ensure that your job offer is posted / online on Sunday. Indeed, before posting an ad, most job boards apply a policy of posting/moderation that can take up to 24 hours (or even 48 hours). This is an important element to take into account in order to ensure publication on Sundays.

We already carried out this study in 2013 and we came to a different conclusion with Tuesday as the best day. We even determined at the time that the time of day when there were the most applications on Tuesday was at 11am. But this study did not take into account the “freshness” of the ads.

One of the other main findings of this new analysis is the low number of applications on Saturdays and Sundays as a result of the very low number of new job offers.

We have also carried out a study on recruitment during the Coronavirus period and we also observe this drop in applications at weekends.

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