Programmatic recruitment: definition and benefits

Recrutement programmatique

Finding the right candidate while saving time during the recruitment process is every recruiter’s dream. To meet this challenge, we’d like to talk to you today about programmatic recruitment. Focus on this innovative approach!

What is programmatic recruitment?  

Programmatic advertising appeared in the 2000s and has revolutionized the traditional advertising approach. This is why its success quickly seduced the Human Resources sector. The latter has seized on this phenomenon in order to adapt it to the world of employment.

Programmatic recruitment consists of publishing one or more job offers via digital advertisements. This method is also called programmatic HR or programmatic HR marketing. Active or passive candidates, likely to be interested in these job offers, are thus targeted. This concept makes it possible to automate communication campaigns in a relevant way.

A programmatic recruitment campaign also allows you to promote your employer brand to a specific target. It’s a great way to not only attract more candidates to your career site, but also to increase your traffic. 

This type of publication can be done in different formats: traditional ads, animated banners, videos… You can broadcast them :

  • On social networks to reach passive candidates
  • On job search sites to reach candidates in active search

💡 Thus, this recruitment method provides more visibility to job openings and gets more relevant applications.

Programmatic recruitment: how does it work? 

First of all, before using this recruitment method, it is important to understand how it works. This technique is divided into three main steps.

1. Definition of the target profile of your ideal candidate:

To approach passive candidates, you draw up a sketch of the profile you are looking for with its skills, know-how, geolocation, interests and current position.

💡 Don’t forget to include the right keywords!

2. Audience Targeting: 

Thanks to “Big data” and algorithms, you can automate your publications by selecting the distribution media, the types of devices and the distribution times. 

3. Buying advertising space in the case of programmatic recruitment :

To reach your target in real time, you will have to use a Demand Side Platform (DSP) which allows you to buy advertising space in real time. The spaces are put up for auction and sold to the advertiser who offers the best deal. This principle is also called Real Time Bidding (RTB). Moreover, algorithms manage and automate everything.

💡Of course, you only pay when a candidate shows interest in your job posting. 

What are the benefits of programmatic recruitment?  

Enhance the visibility and awareness of your employer brand:

Programmatic recruiting gives your company more visibility on the Internet. Your employer brand becomes known to both passive and active candidates because it is visible on multiple recruitment sites. And the more visible a company is on the web, the more attractive it becomes to potential candidates.

Targeting qualified candidates: 

A programmatic recruitment campaign involves creating a strategy. With defined criteria, you refine your search scope as much as possible. This allows you to reach a wider audience of candidates who are already qualified for the position. Rather than being posted on a single site, your ad will be published in multiple locations, reaching targeted, qualified candidates where they are not always expected. 

Optimize your recruitment process: 

The automation of your recruitment campaigns allows you to gain in efficiency. Algorithms allow you to reduce the number of unqualified applications for the position. At the same time, this allows you to save time!

Reduce costs:

With targeted ads, you are more likely to reach qualified candidates and therefore reduce your recruitment costs. 

Focus on the human:

This valuable time saving will allow you to focus on the human! Algorithms preempt a plethora of time-consuming recruiting tasks. All you have to do is conduct the interviews. Indeed, no computer system can, for the moment, replace the human side and its empathy.

Reaching out to passive candidates:

They are very rarely on job boards. Their LinkedIn profile is often left unattended. And yet, they represent a large part of the market. With programmatic HR, you can reach these candidates by presenting them with an opportunity they may not have considered. 

⚠️ Programmatic recruitment involves collecting and processing anonymous data from internet users. Thus, you will need to set up a consent collection platform to be compliant with the GDPR.

In conclusion, programmatic recruitment is an innovative solution. Indeed, it will allow you to find qualified candidates in a minimum of time thanks to targeted ads. All this with an optimized budget and fast results!

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