Which job boards should I choose?

Illustration du mot Job écrit à la main

Here is our selection of the best job boards to use in 2020. Whether you are a recent graduate or a senior manager in your prime, the job search is never easy. Depending on the field, which is more or less competitive, it is important to be creative and determined and, above all, to prospect effectively.

Above all, think about selecting the job boards you will use carefully, according to your ambitions. Are you looking for experience in a start-up or in a large group? Perhaps you prefer SMEs or VSEs? Which sectors do you prefer and what is your ideal job? Depending on your preferences and profile, not all job boards will be relevant to you. Select three or four sites to apply to and stick to them! There is no point in spreading yourself too thinly on sites that do not suit you.

Pôle Emploi

This is one of the most important job sites for job hunting. If it is interesting, it is because of its very general offer, which brings together numerous companies in various sectors. You can find offers whatever the nature of the contract you are looking for (sandwich course, fixed-term contract, permanent contract, temporary work, etc.). Pôle Emploi currently lists more than 677,000 job offers, so don’t forget to submit your CV: this way, Pôle Emploi advisers can pass it on to recruiters. You can also create alerts, which will notify you by e-mail as soon as a job offer likely to interest you is published.


More targeted, APEC, or the Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres, is, as its name suggests, a job search site dedicated exclusively to executives. If this is your status or the status you are looking for in your future job, then it may be worthwhile to go there, to obtain results in line with this

requirement. The offers posted on the site are generally for permanent contracts. At present, the APEC website lists 79,000 job offers, with engineering, commerce and sales being particularly well represented. You can submit your CV on the APEC site, but its real added value lies elsewhere. The site, which has more than 500 advisers, offers you free, tailor-made support to guide you in your job search.


We remain in the “executives” theme, with this site which is also a must of the genre. With its easy-to-use and pleasant interface, the site makes finding a job a pleasure! It’s also an excellent way of keeping up to date, as Cadremploi also offers numerous articles and advice of all kinds, often linked to HR news.

Job that makes sense

More than a job: are you looking for commitment and meaning? Supported by the association Make Sense, the Job that makes sense site is intended as a remedy for the widespread loss of meaning in our society today, which is affecting the most digitalised jobs. Although the job offers proposed on the platform concern a wide variety of professions, they all have one thing in common. They are looking for committed profiles, eager to have a job that has meaning and impact. The project leaders who publish their job offers on the site all serve the social and solidarity economy. As the universe of offers is very

targeted, they can sometimes seem limited. On this site, quality is preferred to quantity!


And for those in a hurry who like to get to the point, there is Indeed. This is not a job search site per se, but rather a meta-search engine, which gathers on its platform all the offers published on the Internet. It is, by the way, the world leader in job search. It therefore allows you to search for jobs in France but also abroad! The job offers are general and concern various professions and sectors. You can post your CV in the CV library, but we advise you to create an email alert, which will give you a daily summary of the recently published jobs that match your search criteria.


Personal branding has never been more relevant. At a time when applications stand out thanks to buzz on LinkedIn or innovative approaches, it is more important than ever to handle storytelling like no one else, especially on LinkedIn! The social network offers you the possibility to create alerts on very targeted jobs and to indicate to potential recruiters that you are listening to the market, without this information being visible on your profile. Very practical!

job boards for students:

There is a new generation of sites dedicated to students. :

  • Student Pop: students are free to choose their assignments according to their schedule. To work during their training.
  • Staffme: claims to be the first site “to put young freelancers and companies in touch with each other for one-off assignments. “
  • And still the specialised site of the magazine l’Etudiant which offers internships and student jobs online from numerous companies.

If this list of job sites is far from being exhaustive. We hope that it will be representative of the diversity of the offer existing. Whether you prefer generalist sites or, on the contrary, very targeted ones, our selection will allow you to keep a close eye on the market! To save time, create email alerts on each of these sites. There are millions of recruitment ads on the web, so it’s up to you to find the right one.

You can also find in this article our ranking of job sites according to the number of offers.

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