How to advertise a job offer?

Illustration offre d'emploi

Your advertisement is written according to the rules of the art: short, concise with a catchy title? The challenge now is for you to distribute it in the best possible conditions in order to gather a maximum number of qualified applications and choose the right employee. In this article, we share with you our best tips and tricks to help you meet this challenge to broadcast the best possible job offer!

How and where to advertise your job offer externally?

Your ads on your own website or career space

First of all, think about publishing your job offer on the career space of your website. Don’t forget that this interface is the first contact between you and the candidate. Through your ad, but also through the information they will find about your company, they will already have an idea about you: culture, management, environment, CSR, etc. Take care of this first approach and be consistent with your employer brand!

Job boards

Job boards are employment sites that allow candidates to post their CVs, consult and apply for job offers. As for recruiters, they can post a job offer, consult the CVs posted by candidates and promote their ads by buying advertising space. Some job boards are generalist, others are more specialised in certain sectors. Job boards tend to offer more services to assist candidates in their search, such as the Pôle Emploi Store. Here are some job boards: APEC, Pôle Emploi, Cadremploi, Monster, RegionsJob…

Job offer aggregators

Job aggregators are sites that work like search engines. They group together not only job offers from companies’ career sites but also those from recruitment agencies and headhunters. Aggregators are more comprehensive and provide access to a wider range of jobs. Here are the main aggregators: Indeed, OptionCarriere, Neuvoo…

Social networks

Social networks have become essential for publishing your job offers. Indeed, candidates regularly visit them and your offers can be shared. Today, almost 9 out of 10 jobseekers use the internet in their job search. 38% of connected job seekers use social networks in their job search, including 60% on Facebook and 43% on Linkedin (1). Post your job offer on the networks in line with the profiles of the candidates you are looking for.

Tip: opt for a multicasting tool and save time!

Digital technology makes it easier to distribute your ad to all sites and platforms. You can now schedule the distribution of your offer via a digital tool on the sites and social networks of your choice. You save precious time during the distribution stage, you anticipate your campaigns, you are faster and more competitive with other advertisers. This way, you can more easily set up a real distribution strategy.

What day should you publish your job offer?

When is the best time to publish a job ad to get the most applications?

We have conducted a survey of more than 3000 recruiters who use Jobaffinity’s recruitment management software to answer this crucial question (2)! The best day is the day when you have the best chance of getting the most applications to maximise your chances of finding the best possible candidate.

To do this, we have taken into account the ratio of new applications to new job offers to deduce the performance of ads according to the day of the week.

Our study reveals that Sunday is the best day to post a job. It is by far the best day to advertise. Your new job offer will be posted on job boards ahead of the others. It will therefore be much more visible at the beginning of its posting. In addition, there are far fewer new ads on that day. This means that your job offer will be most visible when there are the most candidates to read and respond to it.

Want to know more? You can download the complete study here.

Tip: prepare your advert at least 48 hours in advance so that it is published on Sunday. Your ad must be approved by the job boards!

Think about advertising your positions internally

In addition to the legal obligation to publish your ad internally before publishing it externally, it is in your interest to inform your employees. Your employees know the company and are your best ambassadors. They will find it easier to convince a candidate to join you.

According to a study by (3), 77% of candidates have a more positive opinion of the company following an exchange with an employee. Finally, 55% of candidates trust more easily when information is shared by employees.

The positive opinion of your employees can tip the balance in your favour if candidates are hesitant. They will also allow you to recruit employees who are in line with your corporate culture.

You can distribute your ad internally via group emails, newsletters, team meetings, etc.

Tip: a distribution software will allow you to automate this process and to include your intranet in your recruitment campaign.

Track and manage applications effectively

The current crisis has changed the situation. An advertisement now generates more responses than before, particularly among young graduates. In order to be able to process all these applications efficiently, we advise you to be more demanding. Gather as much information as possible about the candidates in order to choose them better. To do this, don’t hesitate to submit a short questionnaire in addition to the application form to get to know them better.

Tip: use an application management tool to deal with the influx of CVs and avoid wasting time. These tools allow you to :

  • Take advantage of a form already integrated into a software program,
  • Set up a personalised questionnaire for each position,
  • Create a personalised and coherent recruitment process,
  • Create a CV library,
  • Search for candidates by key words or geographical areas,
  • Keep the history of the candidate’s career in compliance with the RGPD…

Do you want to save time in the distribution of your ads?

To have a more strategic approach to your recruitment campaigns, to make life easier for your HR, and to be more efficient in recruiting the right candidate: Ask for a demonstration of Jobaffinity our recruitment software now!

(1) Source Pôle Emploi: “Jobseekers and their use of digital technology (February 2019)”

(2) Source: Intuition Software

(3) Source : how to attract candidates through Employee Advocacy

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