When do recruiters receive the most applications?

Une main tapant sur un ordinateur

When do recruiters receive the most applications? To find out, we analysed unsolicited applications and responses to job offers on the internet. Our study covers a sample of 100 companies* in France from May 2012 to April 2013.

What day do companies receive the most applications?

We have analysed the applications received by recruiters according to the day of the week:

We observe that the majority of applications are sent during the week from Monday to Friday and more particularly at the beginning of the week.
Thus, almost 75% of applications are sent between Monday and Thursday. And Tuesday is the day when recruiters receive the most applications.

Also, depending on the sector, the type of position and the day of publication of the advertisement, the results remain fairly similar.

At what time of day do candidates send their CVs?

Similarly, we carried out an analysis according to the time of day:

The results show that the vast majority of candidates send their CVs during the day between 9am and 8pm. Half of the applications are sent between 11am and 4pm.
On the other hand, the time when recruiters receive the most applications is 11am.

Furthermore, the results remain fairly homogeneous regardless of the day of the week.

Finally, we note that job searches are carried out during working hours, whether or not you are in work.

About Intuition Software:

Intuition Software is the publisher of the Jobaffinity recruitment management solution since 2009. Jobaffinity is the leading recruitment solution in the HR world.

Intuition Software offers its customers expertise in human resources. Intuition Software is the editor of Jobaffinity recruitment software and supports more than 350 companies, recruitment agencies and government departments in the management and optimisation of their recruitment strategy.

*Half of our sample is made up of recruitment agencies and the other half of companies or public bodies.

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