Recruiting: How to create an effective onboarding plan?


As the last step in the recruitment process, the integration of new employees is often neglected by companies. Yet, it is a crucial step that determines the suitability of the talent for the company as well as their retention. In this article, you will discover the main steps to put in place in order to create an effective employee integration plan.

Prepare for the new hire’s arrival

An onboarding plan can’t be improvised. During their first few days, your new recruits will discover a new professional environment. To make them feel welcome and cared for from the moment they arrive, there are a number of things you’ll need to do well before the big day.

  • Anticipate the logistical aspects inherent in any new position. For example, think about preparing the future recruit’s workspace, order his or her equipment (telephone, computer, accessories of all kinds, etc.)… Also think about preparing his or her badge, access codes, etc.
  • Inform all the employees of the arrival of the new recruit (taking care to summarize his or her background, future role, missions…)
  • Take care of all the administrative aspects (write the employment contract, subscribe to the health insurance, etc.). This way, your new recruit will not have to worry about these issues – which can be a source of stress, let’s not forget.
  • A few days before his/her arrival, send the employee the program for his/her first week. This way, he/she will know exactly what his/her first days will be like.

All these different actions will, in the end, allow your new employee to feel confident. Also it will allow him/her to focus on the essential: discovering your company.

Create an integration plan : Gguiding the employee during D-Day

Once these first aspects have been studied, it’s time to focus on the most important: welcoming the candidate to your premises. This is the opportunity to make a good first impression on your talent!

  • Leave it to the manager to welcome the new recruit. If the manager is absent, designate a colleague. In any case, it is essential that the new recruit be welcomed in due form by an employee of the company. This step is crucial and will allow the new recruit to feel expected and supported.
  • Organize a tour of the premises, which will also be an excellent way to introduce the new employee to the different teams and employees. The objective? To allow employees to quickly identify the new recruit.
  • Organize a team lunch (if possible with all employees, if not with managers or teammates). This is a great way to get to know the new hire; And avoid an uncomfortable moment of loneliness on the first day.
  • Assign a mentor/sponsor to the new hire. His or her role? Help them get their bearings in the company, answer all their questions… and communicate the unspoken codes of the company, which are often learned on the job.

The right thing to do

Offer the new recruit a welcome booklet containing a map of the premises and the company’s internal regulations, as well as its operations, values, global mission, etc. This booklet can also include a word from the management/founders, an organization chart, etc.

Create an integration plan : help the employee during his or her first months

Many companies (wrongly) think that the onboarding stage stops at the end of the employee’s first day. In reality, this is when onboarding begins. The duration of the onboarding process varies depending on the profile recruited, the type of position, the company, etc. It can last for one month or even longer than the trial period.

Here are a few good practices to adopt in order to accompany your new employees during their first months:

  • Ask the new recruit to prepare a surprise report at the end of the first week. This will allow you to give your employee a voice and will value his or her opinion.
  • Offer your new hires induction training. These will allow them to develop new skills, to learn about the product/service offered by the company, to master certain computer tools…
  • Plan regular meetings between the new recruit and his or her manager, in order to evaluate his or her progress, satisfaction or, conversely, any blocking points. These exchanges are a good opportunity to determine the actions to be taken to overcome the difficulties mentioned.
  • Suggest to the employee that he or she perform an integration assessment at the end of the trial period. The opportunity, for the new recruit and his manager, to take stock of this first period passed.

💡 Surprise report, a strategic asset?

The astonishment report allows to collect the first impressions of a new recruit following his arrival in a company. This beneficial approach often allows to obtain a fresh and objective opinion on the mechanisms put in place within a company. Its strengths and weaknesses, the identified areas of improvement, etc. As an added bonus, this process allows the new employee to feel involved and valued.

Employee onboarding: what’s in it for the company?

Creating a complete and meticulous onboarding plan may seem time-consuming, or even secondary… However, the stakes of a well-executed onboarding are as high for the company as for the new recruit.

For the new employee, it’s a way to dive into the company’s world without losing your footing and find your bearings quickly.

For the company, it is an essential step that allows for a successful conclusion to the recruitment process… and increases its chances of success! Remember that a recruitment process requires a lot of time and energy, and therefore resources. By dedicating time to the integration of your new recruits, you optimize the return on your investment.

More importantly, you allow your new recruits to quickly embrace your company, its project and its values… This has the direct effect of fostering a sense of belonging among your recruits and building their loyalty!

Creating an integration plan, in conclusion

As you can see, creating an integration plan allows you to offer new recruits the elements they need to flourish in your company.

Remember this: the more time and energy a company invests in the proper integration of its employees, the more it will retain them and reduce the risk of turnover! A win-win approach that will optimize your employee experience while improving your employer brand.

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