How to write a good job offer ?

Illustration rédaction d'une offre d'emploi

Your objective is to attract a maximum number of qualified candidates to ensure the success of your recruitment. To do this, you want to advertise in a way that will allow you to be attractive and stand out from other companies. Even if companies receive more applications today than before the COVID crisis, your challenge remains to attract the right people. In this new article, we offer you the keys to writing a good job offer and making the most of it!

Draw up a coherent offer

Before writing your job offer, make sure that all stakeholders have the same vision and understanding of the position. This is the sine qua non for successful recruitment! Bring together HR, the managers concerned and the management beforehand to agree on the tasks of the post, the profile sought and the way in which it fits into the company. This step is essential to the success of your offer. You will realise that this exchange is necessary because opinions can differ so much on a position. Reaching agreement will enable you to draft a coherent offer, shared by all, and avoid misunderstandings.

Be punchy

Now that you have a coherent and solid basis, you can start writing your offer. Your main objective is to attract the attention of candidates with your job offer and to stand out from the others. To do this, we advise you to :

  • Write a catchy title
  • Be clear and concise on the description of the missions and profiles by :
  • Highlighting the key points of the job and the assignment
  • Using short sentences
  • Be dynamic in both form and content!
  • The better you understand the job in advance, the more concise you will be when you write the job advertisement!

Writing, videos, visuals: use several formats

While writing the advert remains essential, particularly for publication on job boards and your career space, don’t hesitate to use other formats to disseminate your job offer. Video can be particularly useful with the younger generation, but also to allow all candidates to better understand your company, your style and your culture. They will see themselves even more clearly. You can broadcast this video on your career space, your social networks…

You can also create specific visuals to attract attention on social networks but also on job boards. Find an image and a slogan that sells, like the one used by PWC: “We’re not going to lie to ourselves, we’re not really a start-up…but we have nothing to envy them”, or “You’re the future” by Société Générale. You’ll set the tone from the start!

Adapt to the candidate’s profile

Your content will be determined according to the profile of the candidate you are looking for. You will emphasise in your offer what is important to them: challenges, respect for life balance, work environment, progression, the company’s CSR commitment, etc.

Highlight the benefits of the job for the candidate in the advert

The acquisition of new skills is a key point to attract new candidates. This is particularly true for the younger generation. 93% of the people surveyed in the Generation Y and Career study consider skills development to be an integral part of their working lives (1). If your offer is aimed more specifically at younger profiles, we recommend that you emphasise the possibilities for development and training.

Do not hesitate to highlight the challenges to be met. These are particularly important for sales positions, for example, as they are often looking for new challenges when they change companies.

Stand out from other companies’ offers

Make an attractive and dynamic presentation of the company! Highlight your growth, your dynamism but also your convictions. In a few words, get the candidate involved in your adventure, make them want to join you by sharing your business plan. Help them to see themselves in your company. Give them a taste of your culture and the pillars that underpin it. Highlight your principles and values (equal opportunities, commitment to teams, customers, etc.) Explain why it would be in the candidate’s interest to join you.

This work will be easier if you have worked on your employer brand beforehand.

It expresses the company’s raison d’être, its vision, its ambition, particularly in terms of HR, its values and its culture. It creates commitment because it seals a real pact with employees around strong positions. Declining your employer brand on your offers will reinforce its impact.

Think about the mandatory information

“Job advertisements are governed by law. The Labour Code sets out a number of rules regarding the content of job offers. Certain information is compulsory: the job title and description, the place of work, the type and duration of the contract (e.g. permanent contract, two-month fixed-term contract, one-week temporary contract, etc.) and the required experience must be mentioned. The job advertisement must also include a job reference and a publication date (2). “

Get candidates to take action

At the end of the advertisement, invite candidates to take action. Suggest that they send their CV or fill in a form using Intuition Software’s recruitment management software JobAffinity, for example.

(1) ManpowerGroup study: “Generation Y and careers: vision to 2020” conducted with 19,000 young people from Generation Y in 25 countries

(2) Source: Pôle emploi

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