How to improve recruitment through QWL (Quality of Life at Work) ?

mieux recruter grâce à la QVT

Finding quality talent is no easy task. The job market is currently under pressure in many areas. So if you want to stand out from the crowd, base your recruitment strategy on quality of life at work (QWL). Gone are the ping-pong tables and fruit baskets so popular with start-ups for a while. We’re banking on approaches that will enhance your employer brand. Find out in this article how to recruit better thanks to QWL!

💡 Good to know: 42% of work stoppages are due to unhappiness at work. (Source: Ayming, 10th Absenteeism® and Engagement Barometer, 2018).

Reminder: What is QWL?

Quality of life at work (QWL) is defined as employees’ sense of well-being at work, both individually and collectively; It refers to the tools put in place by the company to ensure that employees have the most pleasant working environment possible.

There is a legal obligation on the part of the employer to ensure the health and safety of his employees, as stipulated in article L. 4121-1 of the French Labour Code. But QWL goes even further…

👉 It encompasses:

  • Working conditions: organisation, social climate, extra-curricular activities, etc.
  • The content of the work: i.e. the autonomy granted to employees and the opportunities for career development.
  • The capacity for expression and action: i.e. the balance between personal and professional life and the commitments made by the company.

Quality of life at work: an asset when recruiting

This may seem logical, but not all companies are born with it. And unfortunately, employees talk to each other, to their friends, to their neighbours… and even on websites and forums.

👉 Result: if there’s a bad working atmosphere within your teams, people can find out about it and it can damage your recruitment campaigns.

QWL is a key factor in any recruitment strategy. The latter is attracting the attention of candidates who are looking for much more than just a job. Indeed, to recruit and retain employees, companies have every interest in standing out. The QWL levers we present in this article can make a major contribution to the attractiveness of your brand image.

💡 Our advice: following the example of Google, Airbnb and many other well-known companies, don’t hesitate to highlight the benefits you offer in your job adverts. This will increase your chances of attracting interesting profiles.

Better recruitment thanks to QWL: some ideas to put in place

#1 – Creating a calm social climate

It is important to maintain a pleasant working environment for all your employees; You can do this by organising an induction day for new arrivals; having transparent internal communications; organising team-building activities to bond staff; or offering regular feedback to your employees and encouraging them.

👉 The little extra: get your employees involved in their well-being! For example, you could make it a rule that everyone greets each other in the morning (at least in the same department). Smiles guaranteed!

#2 – Providing a pleasant working environment

QWL also means ensuring providing its employees with functional and safe equipment to avoid workplace accidents and improve their productivity. In addition, you can create a rest area so that everyone can take a break in a quiet place. Finally, it is also relevant to offer employees ergonomic solutions so that they can work in the best conditions and adopt good posture if the job requires you to sit all day.

👉 The little extra: green spaces with plants to add a little zen to your offices! By discovering the premises, candidates will be able to project themselves more easily and will be all the more inclined to accept your job offer.

#3 – Enable your employees to develop within your company

This is a very important factor, especially for Millennials who are constantly looking to evolve, even if it means changing employer regularly. They are always looking for ways to give meaning to their work.

👉 So, in the text of your advert or during interviews, don’t hesitate to indicate that you offer access to training and that it’s possible to develop internally.

#4 – Encourage a balance between private and professional life

Many employees who are overworked or, on the other hand, who have boring jobs are at risk of burn-out or bore-out. It is therefore your duty to ensure that each of your employees has a good work-life balance.

👉 By the way, you can improve their working conditions and pace of life with a few simple actions: organising car pooling between employees, being flexible about working hours or teleworking (especially for those who live far away or have children) or offering places in a company crèche close to the workplace.

#5 – Offer “little extras” to your employees

Finally, there’s nothing to stop you offering additional services to keep your employees happy;

👉 Your employees will appreciate a free annual subscription to a gym; tasting or Do it yourself (DIY) workshops; suggestion boxes to improve everyday life in the office; or an in-house social network like Facebook for exchanging ideas with colleagues.

There’s one thing we need to remember: “these days, we’re no longer offering a job, we’re selling a company”. And that’s what QWL is all about!

A good quality of life at work will be an invaluable asset when it comes to promoting your corporate culture and receiving a plethora of applications. In addition, it will help you to retain your employees and avoid staff turnover; As you can see, recruiting through QWL is a considerable advantage!

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