Video interview have been on the rise for some time. We offer you a new application accessible from our recruitment software, Jobaffinity: the Visiotalent solution.
Why choose the video interview?
Video is an additional tool to improve your recruitment process. It has undeniable advantages, especially for certain job profiles or under certain conditions. Moreover, the interests are joint between the recruiter and the candidate:
- Avoiding the need for a candidate to travel, especially when he or she lives far away,
- To have a deferred interview: contrary to a traditional interview, a candidate can choose the time to have a it on vidéo,
- Remembering a candidate more easily: video allows you to remember a candidate better than a paper CV or a telephone conversation,
- To judge the presentation of the candidate, for example for positions that require contact with customers,
- Save time: a video interview is shorter than a physical interview…
To make your own opinion, we suggest you discover the Visiotalent solution in Jobaffinity
About Jobaffinity
Jobaffinity is an agile and intuitive solution that adapts to your needs to help you centralise and optimise your recruitment processes: automatic creation and publication of advertisements, application processing, contact with candidates, tests and questionnaires, candidate vetting, task automation, CV libraries, RGPD, etc.