What motivates employees to change job

Un homme qui reflechi à changer de travail

What are the main motivators for employees to change job : why do employees change companies? What are the reasons for changing jobs?

Here are the results of various studies published over the last 10 years on the reasons for changing jobs or motivation at work. Regardless of the year, the economic situation or the way the question is asked, salary is almost always the primary motivation for choosing a job:

Main motivations to change job – Source OpinionWay 2015 (multiple answers)

Better pay (51%)
More interesting assignments (37%)
A lighter workload (29%)
Better career development prospects (27%)
Personal reasons (21%)
Do something else (21%)

Main reasons for changing jobs – Source Stepstone 2014

No career prospects in my current job (40%)
Lack of recognition for my work (30%)
I don’t earn enough (28%)
I don’t have enough responsibility (26%)

Motivation to change job – Source Rober Half 2011

Higher salary (59%)
More interesting work (51%)
Career opportunities/better working environment (44%)
Better benefits (41%)
Shorter commute time (35%)
More stability (34%)
More prestigious title/position (30%)

Motivation at Work – Source TNS Sofres 2011

Remuneration (48%),
Working conditions (40%),
Interest in the job (34%),

Reason for leaving – Source capital.fr 2007

A higher salary (32%)
Need for more responsibility (29%)
Desire to change career (21%)
Relationship with their line manager (8%)
Bullying (5%)

Willingness to change jobs – Source Ipsos 2003

Interest in the job (59%)
Remuneration (52%)
Geographical location (31%)
Working conditions (30%)
The autonomy conferred (28%)

Link to the full survey conducted by OpinionWay in November 2015 on French employees and mobility

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