Recruitment software : the essential points to choose it well

logiciel de recrutement critères

Adopting an application management software is the guarantee of a more qualitative and efficient recruitment process! Recruiting software: we summarize in this article those you should take into account to choose your ATS.

Why use a recruitment software?

Regardless of the nature of your business and its size, recruitment software (also known as “ATS” or “applicant tracking software”) will allow you to streamline your hiring processes. The reason? ATS removes time-consuming tasks from your daily routine – such as posting job offers, analyzing resumes, acknowledging receipt of applications sent to candidates… 

Thus, an ATS can allow you to: 

  • publish several job offers simultaneously in a few clicks
  • centralize all your applications in one place (and keep the ones you are interested in, whether they are successful or not, in a secure CV database)
  • give multiple collaborators the possibility to access candidate files, to annotate them as the interviews go on… 
  • automate many time-consuming tasks, such as sorting and analyzing CVs, sending automatic emails, and posting job offers on various job boards and social networks
  • Manage your recruitment campaigns in a few steps

💡 Once all the time-consuming tasks are removed, the recruiter can focus on higher value-added assignments, like conducting interviews! 

Recruitment software : what to consider when choosing?

The first essential step before embarking on the search for the ideal recruitment software is to assess your needs. Why do you need an ATS? How many employees will be using it on a daily basis? What is your budget? What features do you absolutely need? The answers to these questions should help you determine the ideal applicant tracking software.


We can’t say it enough: the best recruitment tool is the one that is easy to use. In order to fit you, this tool must first and foremost suit your teams! This notion is all the more essential for companies with little digitalization – who will need a tool that is intuitive and easy to use in order to become digital smoothly. 

The price 

It seems obvious: to save time and disappointment, it is best to choose a recruitment tool within your budget. Ask yourself what type of subscription would suit you (annual, monthly?), how many potential users the recruitment software has… 

💡 Choose the license of your recruitment software according to your needs. Recruiter, manager, administrator… each of your employees will not have the same use of the software!

The collaborative aspect 

There are many reasons why an ATS should always be used in a team environment. Your company may have several recruiters, it may practice collaborative recruiting, or it may involve managers and operational staff in its recruiting… Whatever its recruiting methods, a company must be able to rely on its ATS to facilitate internal communication and team recruiting. This aspect is all the more essential when you want to develop a collaborative company culture!

👆 With a recruitment software, you can share a candidate sheet in a few clicks, add notes, an interview report… 

The features you care about 

While ATS can streamline the recruiting process and ease the burden on recruiters, it can also improve the candidate experience you offer to your talent! The reason is simple: an ATS simplifies applications. Even better: this tool facilitates candidate communication (for example, by allowing automatic emails to be sent to talent to let them know that an application has been received, that a decision is being made, etc.). Being transparent and communicating more effectively all contribute to engaging candidates in the hiring process. 

Note that our Jobaffinity recruitment software integrates the best HR applications (CentralTest, Assessfirst, Multiposting, TextKernel, Indeed…) and gives you access to even more features. The goal? To enable you to centralize all your interactions with your talent on a single platform.  

💡 Is your goal to engage your talent to the fullest by creating a connection? Immerse candidates in your world by offering fun presentation videos, convey your values with a career site that reflects your image… 

Every recruitment software has its own budget!

The ideal recruitment software is also the one that fits your budget! Be aware that there are different types of pricing for TTYs, such as : 

  • User-based pricing: here, it’s simple, the price fluctuates according to the number of users of the ATS. 
  • Resume pricing: in other words, the price of the ATS varies according to the number of applications collected. 
  • Unlimited pricing: fixed price with an all-inclusive subscription, with no limit on the number of users or CVs. This is the pricing model chosen by Intuition Software, and what we offer with Jobaffinity, our ATS.

💡 Good to know 

Note that there are two types of recruitment software:

  • SaaS (Software as a service) software, which is hosted by its provider and accessible via the cloud. They can be used outside the company. SaaS software offers greater mobility! 
  • and other software, which must be installed on the company’s server (and are not accessible outside these servers).

Recruitment software : the essential points to choose it well

As you can see, a recruitment software is a valuable collaborative tool that allows you to centralize all the data related to the recruitment of a company in one place. This tool is all the more indispensable when it is simple and pleasant to use, and when it simplifies team recruitment! 

Would you like to learn more about Jobaffinity, Intuition Software’s recruitment software? Contact our consultants and request a demo!

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Which features are you interested in?

Jobaffinity is packed with features that will enable you to halve your recruitment costs and optimize your application and CV management.



