Recruitment in 2023: Detailed analysis of applications and publications on the main job platforms


Online recruitment has transformed the way employers and jobseekers connect and meet. Jobbing platforms, or job boards, act as bridges between companies and potential employees. These platforms now play a crucial role in the digital landscape. From publishing job offers to receiving applications, these platforms facilitate a dynamic exchange of opportunities and applications. What recruiter does without it these days?

Analysis of data from Jobaffinity recruitment software

Today, we’re going to take a look at two key data sets in the online recruitment field: the number of job vacancies published and the number of applications received by different jobbing platforms.

These data come from our systems and from our customers’ actual use, from January to June 2023, i.e. the first 6 months of this year.

By diving into this data, we’ll be looking to identify trends, pinpoint leading platforms, and ultimately gain valuable insights that could guide you in your recruitment strategies.

We won’t be looking at all the platforms, as our data covers more than 500 different ones. The aim is not only to highlight the raw figures, but also to uncover trends and key points that are not immediately apparent.

To give you an idea of the scale of the data: it concerns 1,936,978 job vacancy publications and 358,399 applications. That’s 6 months in the life of Jobaffinity. (in this figure, a single ad can be published on several platforms at the same time, which is what most of our customers do)


Data sources

The data examined in this article comes from two distinct but complementary sets of data, sourced exclusively from our Jobaffinity recruitment software and from over 600 customers of all sizes.

The first set of data focuses on the number of job postings made on various jobbing platforms, providing an overview of the volume and prevalence of platforms in the online recruitment. We are talking here about publication, not advertising. A single advert can be published on a large number of platforms at the same time.

The second set of data focuses on the number of applications received by each platform, enabling us to measure the commitment and attractiveness of each platform in the eyes of job seekers.

Analytical approach

Our analysis adopted a multi-layered approach, beginning with a univariate exploration of the two datasets to understand the general trends, means, and extremes in the two contexts of publications and applications.

We then carried out a comparative and cross-analysis of the data to examine the potential relationships between the number of job adverts published and the number of applications received. The aim is to determine whether a greater number of publications necessarily leads to a greater number of applications and, if so, to what extent.

Using this methodology, we aim not only to identify the dominant players in the online recruitment space, but also to understand the dynamics between job postings and candidate responses.

Analysis of data on job advertisements

General overview

Analysis of data on job postings reveals a fascinating range of trends across different jobbing platforms.

With a total of 500 sources, the platforms vary considerably in terms of volume of publications, ranging from a minimum of 2 to a staggering maximum of 449,531 publications in 6 months.

Within our dataset is “manual”, i.e. job offers that have been transmitted in a different way by our customers rather than by multicasting. This is the 2nd highest number of publications, with 366,239 hits.

However, we will leave this point aside in our analysis.

Key points

With 498 sources and such a delta in publication volumes, the diversity of platforms and their use is obvious. The average number of publications is around 3347, although the standard deviation of 19157 indicates a significant dispersion in the data.

Indeed is in the lead with a spectacular 449,531 publications.

Other platforms, including (95,731 publications), Meteojob (74,881 publications), Hellowork (73,527 publications) and Pole emploi (67,973 publications), are also making significant use and are viable options for recruiters wishing to advertise widely. As a reminder, this data is collected over a 6-month period.

That makes, in Indeed’s case, 2,996 publications per working day (125 working days over these 6 months). This is absolutely enormous and only concerns Jobaffinity data.

Indeed deserves special attention. Not only is the platform a giant in terms of volume of publications, it also has a substantial lead over other platforms. This can be attributed to various factors, such as its reputation in the market, its ease of use, and perhaps, its ability to reach a wide range of job seekers in various sectors.

If we use a tool for estimating organic traffic (i.e. traffic that comes solely from search engines but without advertising or ‘sponsored’ content), such as the one provided by ahrefs, the tool tells us that there are 180 million visitors per month on the platform (worldwide) and 6 million in France alone. It’s a job board of the utmost importance.

Here are some raw data from the top 10 job boards:

PlatformNumber of publications
Indeed449531 95731
Hellowork 73527
Pole emploi 67973
Neuvoo (which became
Apec 49292
WIZBII 41116
1jeune1solution 36480

Special case

Looking at Indeed, there is not only a high volume of publications, but also a significant concentration of the online recruitment market. Its dominance could be attributed to a number of factors, such as brand awareness, platform reach and, potentially, effectiveness in connecting employers with relevant candidates.

However, it is crucial to note that while the volume of publications is an indicator of a platform’s popularity among employers, it does not necessarily reveal its effectiveness in attracting quality applicants, an aspect we will explore in more detail in the following sections.

Analysis of application data


Another vital aspect of online recruitment can be analysed by examining application data. The data, encompassing 812 sources, reveals an average of 441 applications per source, a figure that might seem promising to recruiters. However, a considerable standard deviation of 5106 points to considerable diversity in the reception of applications across different platforms.


Indeed also maintains its dominant position in the context of sourced applications, registering a colossal total of 783,930 applications, which represents 23.60% of the total number of applications analysed.

Other platforms, such as HelloWork and LinkedIn, although performing well with 204,895 and 110,799 applications respectively, are unable to compete with the giant Indeed in terms of volume. and Pole emploi complete the top 5, although more moderately in comparison.

In our data stream, “manual”, which we had left out, came in 3rd place with 152,394 applications, i.e. 3.33% of the panel. These applications were filled in directly via Jobaffinity.

We’ve also left some feeds out of the analysis, such as direct feeds via WordPress (“WordPress jobs” in the table), Jobaffinity allows you to link your website directly with the recruitment software to publish your ads on your company website in just a few clicks.

We’ve left it in this comparison table to remind you that thanks to our recruitment software, you can easily recruit directly from your site or from a careers page created thanks to our partner Paradisiak.

Boost your recruitment with your website 💪
PlatformNumber ofpercentage
Pole emploi145042.33678
WordPress Jobs143692.31503
Website feed76881.23864
Job Region60610.97650
Top 10 platforms receiving the most applications via Jobaffinity, there are a total of 811 entries in our data, including career sites, company sites and job boards.

Variability and Specificity

The marked difference in the number of applications between different platforms suggests a possible specialisation or distinct market relevance for each platform. For example, certain platforms might be favoured for specific roles or sectors, or might be preferred by particular demographics of job seekers.

Although some platforms may have lower figures, they could still be crucial for reaching specific and valuable candidate niches.

In recruitment, as in so many other areas, quality prevails over quantity.

One example of this data is the jobboard hotessjob, which specialises in the recruitment of reception staff.

Although the site is not very high up the rankings in terms of the number of jobs published (9,174 jobs published, 29th position), it is in 14th position in terms of the number of applications: 3,765, i.e. 0.60% of all applications from 811 sources, job boards, company sites and careers sites.

This examination of application data provides valuable insight into the dynamics of the online job market. The next stage, a cross study of publications and applications, will offer an even richer perspective, highlighting the relative effectiveness of the different platforms in converting publications into real applications.

Cross-over study: Publications vs. Applications

Application rates

Cross-studying data on job postings applications received offers invaluable insights into the effectiveness of platforms in connecting recruiters with potential candidates. The application rate, calculated by dividing the number of applications by the number of publications, can be used as an indicator of a platform’s effectiveness in generating interest and engaging job seekers.

To illustrate this with specific data:

Indeed : With a colossal volume of 449531 publications and 135212 applications, the application rate for Indeed can be calculated as follows:

Application rate (Indeed) = ( 135212 applications / 449531 publications) × 100

The application rate for “Indeed” is around 30.08.

This means that, on average, for for every 100 jobs advertised on Indeed, the company receives around 30 applications. Don’t forget that this is an overall average over a large number of vacancies, some of which received dozens of applications, others none at all.

This high rate demonstrates the platform’s effectiveness in engaging jobseekers and generating applications, making it an attractive option for recruiters looking to maximise the visibility of their vacancies and attract a large number of candidates.

HelloWork: With a total of 73,525 publications and 30,690 applications, the application rate for HelloWork is 41.74. In other words, a rate well above Indeed, this is perhaps one of those cases where quality prevails over quantity.

If we take the example of hotessjob above, the rate exceeds Indeed’s scores: with 9,147 vacancies published and 3,765 applications, the application rate is around 41.16. This is once again higher than Indeed’s rate (30.08). That’s not surprising: it’s a platform dedicated to a particular trade, so it’s a place where the public (candidates) are already “pre-qualified” for offers. Keep this in mind when recruiting.

LinkedIn: With 37,611 publications and 15,152 applications, LinkedIn achieved a rate of 40.29, higher than Indeed; This is what we were talking about earlier: not confusing quantity with efficiency. Of course, the reasons behind these differences cannot be simplified; a great deal of analytical work would be needed to study the potential causes of these differences in detail.

These calculations provide a quantifiable measure of the effectiveness of platforms in converting publications into actual applications, giving recruiters an additional metric for evaluating and choosing the platforms on which to publish their job offers.

Here is a summary table of some of these data:

PlatformPublicationsApplicationsApplication rates
Pole emploi679731450421.34
Remember: an application rate of X means that for every 100 publications, there will be an average of X applications. And the term average is of vital importance here

Platform efficiency

Although platforms such as Indeed dominates in terms of volume of publications and applications, analysis of application rates could reveal some surprises as to the relative effectiveness of the different platforms. Platforms with fewer publications or applications could, in fact, have higher application rates (this is the case from Hellowork and from LinkedIn), indicating a stronger match or specialisation in certain areas or sectors.

In the case of our figures, if we stay on a generic platform, Hellowork and LinkedIn fare best in the data retrieved via Jobaffinity;

The more you need a specific profile, the more you will need to target a specific platform. The example of hotessjob is very telling, but this will also be the case for Apec if you are looking for executives.


Disparities in application rates across different platforms could also highlight variations in jobseekers’ preferences, the relevance of the market, or the perceived quality of advertised vacancies. Further analysis in this area could help identify the optimal publication strategies to maximise both visibility and candidate engagement.

One point not to be overlooked is the ease of use of the platforms. Indeed, as the market leader, has been able to invest heavily in optimising its design and user experience.

Exploring these aspects could help not only to understand current trends in online recruitment but also to anticipate future developments and adjust recruitment strategies accordingly.

The point to remember is that you really have to consider how easy it is to use the platforms to get the most out of them. So this obviously applies to your company’s career page!”

Implications for recruiters

Publication strategies

Recruiters need to navigate skilfully through the mosaic of platforms available, aligning their publication strategies with the specific dynamics of each platform. For example, although “Indeed” seems to be an obvious choice due to its high volume of publications (394672) and applications (135212), other platforms such as HelloWork and LinkedIn also offer substantial reach and could be particularly relevant for certain sectors or roles.

If you’re a Jobaffinity customer, you already know that you can by one click show your ads on several platforms at once, and create lists of specific platforms depending on the type of ad you want to publish.

Good recruitment software should save you time.

Targeting candidates

A nuanced understanding of the platforms enables recruiters to target their ideal candidates more accurately. Platforms with high application rates could indicate a strong alignment with candidates’ expectations or specialisation in certain areas. Recruiters could use these platforms to target specific candidates and improve the quality of the applications they receive.

Optimising resources

By maximising the effectiveness of recruitment platforms, recruiters can optimise their resources and maximise the return on their investment. This means not only choosing the right platforms but also understanding how candidates interact with them. Ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the various platforms, in terms of the quality and volume of applications received, is crucial to refining recruitment and candidate engagement strategies.

Limitations of the analysis

While the data provide valuable information, it is essential to recognise the intrinsic limitations of our analysis.

The correlation between the number of publications and the number of applications does not necessarily reflect a direct causality, and other factors could influence these dynamics, such as the quality of the advertisements, the reputation of the companies, or the conditions of the job market.

Above all, it’s a good job description and a good ad, published so that potential candidates see them and can easily respond, will make all the difference.

Finally, this data is extracted from our internal sources, which are monitored by Jobaffinity, and therefore on a panel of recruiters that is not representative of the whole country, even if it remains a very large sample.

This is not data from job boards. Although it would be very interesting to be able to obtain them.

Go multicasting with Jobaffinity

Navigating the vast and complex ocean of recruitment can be an arduous quest, where every advert published is a bottle thrown into the sea, in the hope of capturing the attention of the ideal candidate. So why limit yourself to a single bottle, a single voice, a single wave, when the vast world of digital opens the door to infinite possibilities?

The multibroadcasting is that amplified voice, that beacon in the night of recruitment, ensuring that your opportunities reach not only the ears, but also the hearts of those seeking to seize them. It’s a strategy that doesn’t put everything on one map, but spreads your message across the digital horizon, reaching candidates wherever they are.

Jobaffinity is your partner in this adventure, your compass in this vast digital universe, ensuring that your message is heard by those who need to hear it. By facilitating multi-distribution across hundreds of platforms, Jobaffinity doesn’t just simplify your recruitment process; it transforms it, propelling it to new heights.

With Jobaffinity, sail into the future of recruitment, where every advert is a powerful echo across platforms, every candidate has the opportunity to find their calling, and every recruiter can truly put all the odds on their side. Request a demo today!

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