Recruiting for jobs in tension: advice and methodologies



Bad image, arduousness, repetitive tasks, long working hours… some jobs are not very attractive and have difficulty recruiting. Companies have difficulty finding the rare pearl and the lack of candidates is widely felt in certain sectors of activity.

Let’s take a closer look at the jobs that are under pressure, the reasons for this and how to recruit effectively!

What is a job in tension?

A job is said to be “under pressure” when the recruitment offer is higher than the number of applications received by employers. This imbalance affects companies that have great difficulty recruiting a competent employee for a specific position. Some sectors are more affected, such as the restaurant/hotel industry, construction, IT and the human services sector.

Why are these professions under pressure?

1. A shortage of candidates

In some sectors, there is a real lack of manpower. Indeed, certain professions are shunned by workers, especially young people. This is often the case for manual or “physical” jobs. This shortage can also be explained by recruitment methods that are considered “difficult” by potential candidates. As an employer, it is therefore important to carefully consider the recruitment process for jobs in short supply.

2. A lack of technical skills in certain sectors

Sometimes, the real problem is not the lack of candidates, but rather the lack of candidates whose skills, diplomas and experience are perfectly suited to the needs of the companies. For example, some (very) technical jobs suffer from a lack of profiles specifically trained for the position to be filled.

3. Professions with an image deficit

Other professions are subject to prejudices that make them less attractive to candidates. Their image is tarnished by preconceived ideas about working conditions that are considered difficult. For example, jobs that are considered dirty, physically difficult, noisy, with shifting hours, less qualified…

4. Lack of financial means

Another factor to consider is the lack of financial means to recruit and offer adequate salaries in certain professions, such as health care workers, who suffer from a significant lack of personnel.

What are the jobs in tension in France? Here are some examples!

Despite a high unemployment rate in France, the list of occupations known as “in tension” is growing every year. The report of the Pôle Emploi survey “Besoins en main-d’oeuvre” (BMO) in 2022 reveals some relevant indicators.

Among the jobs in tension most affected by this imbalance between supply and demand, we find :

  1. Roofers, qualified roofers
  2. Home helpers and housekeepers
  3. Pharmacists
  4. Waiters, cooks
  5. Boilermakers, sheet metal workers, plotters, locksmiths, metal workers, qualified blacksmiths
  6. Vehicle mechanics, electronics technicians
  7. Car body repairers
  8. Public transport drivers on the road
  9. Plumbers, heating engineers (skilled workers)
  10. Nurses, nursing managers and childcare workers

Thus, tensions can be noted in agriculture, industry, construction, trade, restaurants/hotels, business services and personal services. These tensions related to the recruitment of employees vary from one department to another.

How has Covid created new jobs in tension?

The Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated the poor image of the healthcare profession, which was already caught between low pay and difficult working conditions. Many people with jobs in health care have left their positions. In fact, most of the so-called “tight” professions were already experiencing difficulties before the health crisis made the situation worse.

Many professions have become vulnerable as a result of the pandemic. This is the case for the restaurant, hotel and service industries, such as hairdressers and craftsmen. Other professions, related to culture, sports and education have also experienced difficulties. Indeed, these are areas of activity that were put on pause when the health crisis was in full swing. This forced halt pushed many of these people to retrain in order to find a new job.

How to recruit effectively in shortage areas?

  • Training to attract future employees

Recruiting in high-voltage jobs is a delicate matter. Companies have to attract new profiles by being attractive, by creating vocations and by training their new employees. This approach shows the company’s commitment to its employees despite the cost involved.

  • Communicate better and more

It is important to improve the image of unattractive jobs by communicating more. For this, it is important to work on your employer brand, on social networks for example, through original campaigns. Focus on friendliness and well-being at work, two qualities that are currently highly prized, especially among young workers. You can also participate in professional fairs to show how your jobs have evolved.

There are many sites specialized in recruitment according to the fields of activity that flourish on the web. Don’t hesitate to post eye-catching ads, to highlight your company’s assets and to identify the “soft-skills” required for the position.

  • State and Pôle Emploi assistance

There are government subsidies for long-term jobseekers who agree to follow in-company training in a job in demand as part of an Individual Operational Preparation for Employment (POEI) or a Training Action Prior to Recruitment (AFPR). These training courses can also be financed by Pôle Emploi. The training must begin no later than December 31, 2022.

Pôle Emploi offers solutions based on the Recruitment by Simulation method (MRS), the organization of events or professional immersions. Its role is to be at the side of companies and to give advice on recruitment. Don’t hesitate to contact a consultant!

To conclude

As recruiters of a job in tension, we advise you to rethink your recruitment methods by giving a boost to your company’s image and by revaluing the positions sought.

You can also opt for recruitment software such as Jobaffinity to help you in your recruitment efforts for a job in tension.


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