Changing jobs: what are the trends in France?

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Changing jobs: nearly 22% of the working population aged between 20 and 50 changed jobs in France between 2010 and 2015. That was the main conclusion of a study conducted by the Ministry of Labor, published in November 2018. 

While professional mobility is growing, there are several reasons for changing jobs. A growing search for meaning among employees, changing expectations, loss of motivation or lack of prospects… We are highlighting today the reasons that push more and more French employees to change jobs. 

Changing jobs to improve one’s condition

The majority of French employees change jobs primarily for strictly material reasons. As the study conducted by the Ministry of Labor reveals, professional mobility is upward. Behind a change of job is a desire to improve one’s living conditions. 

For example, 68% of French people considered remuneration to be a major factor in their decision in 2018. This is the conclusion of Michael Page’s barometer “Les Français et l’Emploi” of 2ᵉ quarter 2018. 

And in 2020, this trend will continue, according to the Hays study conducted in 2020. 76% of those surveyed would not hesitate to leave their job against the promise of a more satisfactory remuneration. 

In addition, the Ministry of Labor’s study reveals that professional mobility primarily concerns precarious status.  Some of the jobs also involve skills that are easily transferable to other fields, leading to more frequent mobility.

Job change and search for meaning

In 2019, only 20% of candidates surveyed by Hays reported having changed positions during the year (33% in 2018). They were, however, all the more determined to do so in the near future (87% versus 79% in 2018)!

Hays’ 2020 national compensation study therefore reveals a major challenge. Companies must redouble their efforts to retain their talent. In fact, only 65% of respondents said they feel attached to their company. 

On the executive side, the study “Au bonheur des cadres” (2018) conducted by IFOP also seems to introduce a new trend: the indifference of employees towards their company.

If the notion of attachment to the organization was the first criterion favoured by the executives surveyed (28%) in 2009, the notion of indifference now seems to prevail for 23% of them.

According to the study, while 78% of current executives said they were fulfilled in their professional career, more than a third dreamed of new horizons. Thus, 36% of them declared themselves open to opportunities. This decline in motivation concerns all age: 32% of managers aged 35 to 49, 30% of older manager (50 and over) and 29% of younger (18-34).

The situation was the same in 2017 for all employees (managers and non-managers alike). According to the Hays study, the main reasons for changing jobs were job interest (62%), ahead of reasons related to compensation (59%). Other reasons included career prospects (56%), geographical comfort (27%), and, already, work time arrangements (13%).

In conclusion 

While material criteria remain an important factor for French employees, they are no longer sufficient to commit them to their company. Also, other essential factors come into play, such as Quality of Life at Work (QWL), interest in the job and ongoing development.

In 2020, French employees are more than ever looking for meaning and will favor a company that shares their values.

To target the right talent that will flourish in your company, don’t hesitate to include these values in your recruitment strategy.

Also, by equipping yourself with a TTY like JobAffinity, you will save time and devote yourself fully to this strategy. 

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